Tyke Time Story
It Takes a Community
I am a mother of two and come from a family of teachers. I love teaching my children through the art of play and I am thrilled to bring a child-led play space like Tyke Time to our community! I adore children and think they are beautiful creatures that yearn for knowledge and are molded by their environments. I also think it is amazing that 90% of a child's brain development happens before age five! Tyke Time is a space where children thrive; a place where we can watch their brains develop each day. I also know that parents and guardians need continuous support. Tyke Time was born to focus on both child and parent offering a space where parents can connect with their children and simultaneously with other parents in the community.
I firmly believe that it takes a community to raise a child. Tyke Time is here and ready to support your family on your journey!
​Dedicated to my teachers: Samuel & Esme
Support for Learning Through Play!