Tyke Time @ Home Kit - Age: 5-7 Years
Bring the magic of Tyke Time to your home and nurture early childhood development!
Tyke Time @Home Kit Includes:
- 1 art project featuring a specific artist and technique
- 1 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experience
- 1 Melissa & Doug Developmetal Toy
- Single serve bag of High Tide Coffee for parents!
- Connection to a Community Educator from Early Years Emotional Wellness Program, a team of professionals with dedication and expertise in addressing the developmental and social/emotional needs of young children. Private video meetings and ongoing support available. (optional)
- Book a private check-in call with Maelynn Schlipp, Tyke Time Founder, supporting your family and your Tyke Time @Home Kit. (optional)
Connect. Create. Explore. Think. Imagine. Move.
Nurture early childhood development in three key skill areas: physical, cognitive, and social.
Kit is based on age and supports specific developmental benchmarks.
No Returns or Refunds. Final Sale on all kits.